Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What Veteran's Day Means To Me


The United States commemorates two days a year for our military—one day to mourn the passing of those who have paid the last full measure of devotion and one day to celebrate those who survived to return home to friends and family. Today is the day for celebration and remembrance.


Many years ago, I joined a long, continuous line of guardians stretching back centuries into the past. Collectively we pledged our lives and sacred honor to defend home and family. We are joined in a unique band of brothers and sisters who have one common feature—we signed a blank check on behalf of our nation, payable with our lives. Anyone can do it, but few answer the call. In the United States, fewer than 1% of the population become part of this band. The rate is even lower in other countries. Many of us serve just one tour, while others spend a lifetime in uniform, some continuing on to serve in civilian service while their uniforms gather dust in a closet.


Many saw combat and experienced horrors that caused trauma that lives within to this day. Others did not survive. My son is one of those who survived Iraq and Afghanistan only to end his own life due to the ever-growing pain of PTSD. While he and so many others are part of this day, their special day comes in May. Others stood the watch, waiting for the call that never came. Still others fought in the shadows of clandestine wars undeclared, doing battle with those malign entities who meant harm to their home and allies, never to acknowledge their struggle.


For the United States, our line goes back to the Revolutionary War. When our country called, we answered. The line continues on as we hand off our duties to the next generation of guardians, content to sit back and rest… or do we? We veterans will lament about the long hours, terrible conditions, crappy food, military bureaucratic stupidity, long days away from home in locations ranging from beautiful to horrendous… and yet… and yet we still hear it. Even today, after all the years in uniform, I can hear the call to duty, the desire to be with my brothers and sisters in arms. We look back and think to ourselves, “I’d do it all again.”


So happy Veteran’s Day to my brothers and sisters in arms. I remember you, want to be with you, and would do it all again with you.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Benford's Law

People should become familiar with Benford's Law ( I use Infogalactic because Wikipedia is already rewriting their page to claim that it is controversial and in dispute by 'reputable scientists.'

From Infogalactic: "Benford's law, also called the first-digit law, is a phenomenological law about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many (but not all) real-life sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers the small digits occur disproportionately often as leading significant digits.[1] For example, in sets which obey the law the number 1 would appear as the most significant digit about 30% of the time, while larger digits would occur in that position less frequently: 9 would appear less than 5% of the time. If all digits were distributed uniformly, they would each occur about 11.1% of the time.[2] Benford's law also concerns the expected distribution for digits beyond the first, which approach a uniform distribution."

Why is this important? According to Principia-Scientific (, the voting totals for Joseph Biden violate Benford's Law. In other words, when votes accumulate from a natural process, there is a natural distribution of the digits of the numbers. When unnatural means are used (e.g., creating votes, ballot box stuffing), people tend to make round numbers of votes (remember 138,000 votes showing up for Biden in the middle of the night?). This results in an unnatural distribution curve. President Trump's and other candidates follow normal distribution curves, but not Biden--at least not in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas for certain. As Benford's Law has been accepted in previous court cases as proof of fraud, I expect it to feature prominently in the lawsuits fighting the massive voting fraud conducted by the Democrat Party.

Oh, and don't post this on Twitter or Facebook as Twitter accounts are being locked immediately for posting references to it and Facebook is banning references, claiming "
Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive." Yet more indications that Twitter and Facebook have and are making contributions in kind to the Biden campaign.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Proposed - 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Election Integrity

Given the current state of our national election, it is obvious that we need to change our voting process. Hence, the proposed text for a new amendment to the Constitution is as follows: 

28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – Election Integrity


Election day for Federal and state level elections shall be declared a Federal holiday to facilitate voting during the voting time period.


a. Voters. Voting in elections is restricted to citizens of the United States. Registration for voting shall be conducted in person and closed to new registrants 30 days prior to an election. Registrants shall prove identity, residence, and proof of citizenship (e.g., passport, birth certificate) prior to being added to the voting roll. For voters unable to afford standard identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport) States shall provide identification credentials at no cost to the voter certifying identity and residence. Voter rolls shall be maintained in a manner that polling places and data collection/tabulating locations may check the validity of the voter and notate that a vote has been cast. Voter rolls shall be audited biannually to remove voters no longer eligible to vote. Failure to do so shall be considered election interference and the senior responsible authority for maintaining the voting roll shall be punished with imprisonment of 1 year and a fine of $10,000. If a voter is not physically able to vote at their designated voting location due to illness or absence, they must apply for an absentee ballot in person (or by videoteleconference if ill or unable to travel due to physical limitations) and voting authorities shall confirm that the voter is who they claim to be prior to issuing the ballot.


b. Influencing the voting public. Opinion and exit polls conducted in support of any election shall not be made public but shared only with the candidates. Polling information shared outside of the candidate campaigns by any person/entity shall be considered election interference and shall be punishable by 5 years imprisonment and a $50,000 fine for each instance.


c. Voting process. Elections shall be conducted by voting in person on election day.  Voters will vote in their assigned polling place. All polling locations shall be open and closed at the same Greenwich Mean Time to prevent states in earlier time zones affecting outcomes in later time zone states. The election day voting period shall be twelve hours. All states shall establish sufficient polling places and equipment to accommodate all registered voters within their state during the voting period. All polling locations shall have the ability to identify voters as valid and sufficient equipment and supplies to accept all valid votes without delay. Each voter shall be notated in the State’s registered voter database as having voted to prevent voting at multiple locations. All voting polling locations shall report the raw number of votes at the end of the voting time.  This raw total shall be compared to the number of votes for each candidate in each voting category. If the total number of votes for a candidate category exceeds the raw vote total, then that polling location shall be locked down and all voting materials seized and audited. All votes received after election day shall be declared null and void. All absentee ballots shall be processed/counted as they are received, but no later than election day. All states shall conclude counting of all votes no later than 24 hours from poll closure. Observers from all parties having candidates in the election shall be present while the polls are open. Any actions to prevent poll observers from observing voting activity shall be considered election interference and punished by imprisonment and fines. All voting data collection/tabulation sites shall be open to all observers of all political parties engaged in the election. Tabulation shall be public.


d. Election interference and vote fraud. Anyone found to have engaged in affecting the vote totals through malign activities (e.g., voting more than once, accepting invalid votes, adding invalid votes, changing existing votes, destroying votes, preventing voting and/or tabulation observation and challenges, false registration, using false identification to vote, providing compensation for voting for specific candidates, illegally voting as a felon or non-citizen) shall be guilty of voting fraud and subject to imprisonment of ten years and a fine of $100,000. Punishments dictated by this amendment will not be subject to Presidential pardon. Fines shall be indexed for inflation from the date this amendment is ratified.

Sorry It's Been So Long

 I accepted a senior position in 2012 which precluded me from commenting publicly about pretty much anything. I'm retired now and no longer have to worry about that. So I'm back--Lord help us all.