Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Enough with the "CO2 Causes Global Warming" Bullshit!

I am so tired of leftists and environmentalists (but I repeat myself) doing their 'morally superior' dance about how they are so much more concerned about saving the planet from global warming, and that all we have to do is impoverish ourselves and go back to the good old days of living in mud huts in order to save the planet.  That the media continues to abdicate its responsibility to fact check these assclowns would seem to me to indicate that (a) they are too stupid or incapable of understanding the science involved, or (b) are leftists/socialists/environmentalists themselves who use the media to advance their fellow travelers' morally superior outlook.

Does no one do research anymore?
In the last 600 million years of Earth's history only the Carboniferous Period and our present age, the Quaternary Period, have witnessed CO2 levels less than 400 ppm.
 Or how about this gem?
The Carboniferous Period and the Ordovician Period were the only geological periods during the Paleozoic Era when global temperatures were as low as they are today. To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an Ice Age while at the same time CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today-- 4400 ppm.
I do not give one polished turd what my carbon footprint is, or how much CO2 my car emits.  What I do care about is that extremist ideologues at the EPA are going to use the power of the government to change our lifestyles and nation because of their devotion to junk science. Texas is about to shut down two coal powered power plants and lose 500 jobs because of EPA devotion to unmitigated bullshit.

Hat tip: Powerline

The View From Our Neighbors to the North

Canadian commentator Rex Murphy notes in the National Post that the American media abandoned its responsibilities with regard to President Obama.

As a result, the press gave the great American republic an untried, unknown and, it is becoming more and more frighteningly clear, incompetent figure as President. Under Obama, America’s foreign policies are a mixture of confusion and costly impotence. It is increasingly bypassed or derided; the great approach to the Muslim world, symbolized by the Cairo speech, is in tatters. Its debt and deficits are a weight on the entire global economy. And the office of presidency is less and less a symbol of strength.

To the degree the press neglected its function as watchdog and turned cupbearer to a styrofoam demigod, it is a partner in the flaws and failures of what is turning out to be one of the most miserable performances in the modern history of the American presidency.
Read the full article--the media certainly won't.  In a normal business environment, their incompetence and outright bias would have driven them out of business long ago.  Fortunate for them, isn't it, that they monopolize the majority of the news coverage most Americans see (and don't see... NB: 'Fast and Furious,' Solyndra).  Unfortunately for us, as a consequence today's youth see mental midgets like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher as believable sources of information. Thus, they will be subject to direct and painful bitch slapping by life's reality.  Too bad the rest of us are being dragged along with them.

Hat tip: Ace of Spades

The Real Reason Behind 'Fast and Furious?'

According to the Los Angeles Times, the apparent goal of Operation Fast and Furious was:
" allow straw purchasers to illegally buy weapons in the U.S. so agents could learn the traffickers’ routes into Mexico. The agents were then supposed to intervene before the guns were sold to drug cartels. But agents lost track of roughly 1,700 weapons, and hundreds soon began showing up at homicide scenes in Mexico."

As many before me have pointed out, this goal really doesn't make sense, especially given how there was no formal effort to track the weapons after they left the sellers.  Perhaps Pajamas Media has come across the real reason: Cloward-Piven.

If the current Administration were trying to destabilize governments to the South in order to drive refugees into the United States, thereby overloading the social services within the U.S. to cause a breakdown, they could do a lot worse than 'Fast and Furious.'  From multiple failed stimulus packages to animosity towards our traditional allies to setting up our economy to fail, ideology seems to be the best answer for why facts fail to make a dent in the focus and trajectory of our leadership.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Look Behind the Curtain

Why is nuclear proliferation difficult to deter?  Because that's where the money is.  Pakistan, our 'ally' in the war against terror, spent decades spreading nuclear technology and expertise for money.  And who were the beneficiaries of these deals?  Well, if you picked the usual suspects (China, North Korea, Iran, and Libya), you would be right.  You couldn't swing a dead jihadi around without hitting someone from one of these countries involved in rubbing the lamp containing the nuclear genie.  Thanks to A.Q. Kahn, we will be dealing with the second and third order effects of this proliferation for years to come.  If a portion of the United States goes up in nuclear fire, he will most likely have our blood on his hands.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Short Hiatus

Well, I'm a traveling bear again.  Will be out of the loop for about a week.  see you then.