Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Real Reason Behind 'Fast and Furious?'

According to the Los Angeles Times, the apparent goal of Operation Fast and Furious was:
" allow straw purchasers to illegally buy weapons in the U.S. so agents could learn the traffickers’ routes into Mexico. The agents were then supposed to intervene before the guns were sold to drug cartels. But agents lost track of roughly 1,700 weapons, and hundreds soon began showing up at homicide scenes in Mexico."

As many before me have pointed out, this goal really doesn't make sense, especially given how there was no formal effort to track the weapons after they left the sellers.  Perhaps Pajamas Media has come across the real reason: Cloward-Piven.

If the current Administration were trying to destabilize governments to the South in order to drive refugees into the United States, thereby overloading the social services within the U.S. to cause a breakdown, they could do a lot worse than 'Fast and Furious.'  From multiple failed stimulus packages to animosity towards our traditional allies to setting up our economy to fail, ideology seems to be the best answer for why facts fail to make a dent in the focus and trajectory of our leadership.

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