Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Marine's Christmas Song

This is for all my brothers and sisters in arms.  He may not have the voice of an American Idol contestant, but it's from the heart--and that's what's important.

Being overseas in some dung hole is hard, but it's harder on the families.  You know that you're okay, but your families wonder every moment that you're gone whether or not you're unharmed, and if you're going to come back home in one piece.

Those who raise their right hand and swear to defend our nation comprise less than one percent of our population. They are the thin line between those who would do us harm and our families.  They are the very best of us.  And in this Christmas season, God bless our troops is more than just a saying.It is a prayer that all of our warriors return home safely to their families, that someday we can beat our swords into plowshares, and not have to study war any more.

Merry Christmas, warriors.

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