Saturday, January 21, 2012

It Always Pays To Dig Deeper

President Obama's decision to kill the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada was not only a blow to our economy and energy independence, there are significant secondary effects:

North Dakota oil drillers increasingly will rely on trains to move barrels of crude to market after the Obama administration's decision to reject plans for a pipeline that would run from Canada to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico, state and industry officials say.
And what train system is used to move crude from North Dakota?  Why, that would be Burlington Northern Santa Fe.  And who owns Burlington Northern Santa Fe?  Why, that would be Berkshire Hathaway, of which BNSF is now a subsidiary.  And who owns Berkshire Hathaway? Why, that would be Warren Buffett, President Obama's financial adviser and Democrat Party supporter. 

So, not only does President Obama make his environmental voter base happy, he also does a huge financial favor for one of his supporters.  I believe that's called Crony Capitalism.  (And, even better, the President's latest re-election commercial claims that he has increased our energy independence. Wonder if that's a reference to the failed Chevy Volt...)

Amazing how these things work, eh?

Hat tip: Instapundit

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