Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Shocked, Shocked I Tell You!

In yet another blow to global warming, er, climate change alarmist efforts to convince the world that it would be better off without humans, Don Surber of the UK's Daily Mail notes that the data just doesn't seem to be with them... again.
So much for an ice-free Arctic. Henry Hudson’s long-ago dream of a Northwest Passage that would link England to the Orient by sea will have to wait another century as Mother Earth gives him the cold shoulder. Again.
From Real Science: “1979 was the peak year for Arctic ice, yet 2012 has more ice around Greenland and Alaska than 1979 did.”
Same date satellite data seems to show that Iceland and everywhere else is iced over this year when they were feeling a little green 33 years ago.
Of course, our moral and intellectual superiors elsewhere in the press keep banging the drums of Man Caused Global Warming.
I sense a trend here.  Read the whole article here.

Hat tip: Doug Ross@Journal

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Cost We Should Not Bear

Once again Daniel Greenfield knocks one out of the park with his post at Sultan Knish on "The Price of a Koran:"
What does a Koran cost? You can get a full color one for the Kindle for only 99 cents, just don't expect it to feature any pictures of old Mo. If you want to go deluxe, you can get a hardcover edition that runs three different translations side by side for around 40 bucks. But if you want to be more practical about it, the price of a Koran is the lives of six American soldiers.

That butcher's bill doesn't count the soldiers who burned the Korans, who despite following procedure will be penalized on orders of the White House which thinks that punishing American soldiers will somehow satisfy the Koran fueled bloodlust of men who aren't satisfied with their corpses.

The nature of the marketplace of human affairs is that a thing is worth what we will pay for it. Once upon a time Americans decided to pay any price for freedom. The price was high, but they got what they paid for... at least for a season or two. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were works of freedom written in blood. They made a free nation possible because that nation was willing to pay the price for them.

Muslims are equally willing to pay the price in blood for slavery, their own slavery and ours, for a book of slavery, written by an owner and abuser of slaves, who created a religion of slaves, where the optimal position was to stand on as many people as possible while reaching for heaven.

The men who fought to make us free placed value on their lives. The men who fight to enslave us place little value on their own. Whatever material pleasures they enjoy in this life, little girls, hashish and wealth, will be vastly improved upon in the afterlife. And they buy their way into that afterlife by killing us, as they have been doing for over a thousand years.

Each of their murders imposes their religion on us. They impose their notion of what is important and what isn't important. Twenty years ago no one would have cared a fig for a burned Koran or a cartoon of Mo. Today either one earns you an accusation of endangering the lives of American soldiers and inciting violence. Dress up as Zombie Mohammed and Judge Mark Martin will tell you that in a Muslim country you would get the death penalty. That's not the way it works here. Yet.
Greenfield raises a very key point.  We are changing our own behavior because of the threat of violence held over us by the culture of Islam.  Not through reasoned dialog between adults, or the result of inner soul searching by one who seeks a deeper meaning in spirituality, but through the murder of our own citizens.  What makes this even more difficult to take is the lack of disapproval by the silent majority of Islam regarding the killing of those who do not believe as they do.  If only we saw one tenth of the rage exhibited by those railing against Rush Limbaugh for his ill chosen words demonstrated by 'moderate Muslims' against the killing of our military... but sadly we won't.

Read the whole post here.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gone Too Soon

Andrew Breitbart, the "Happy Warrior," passed away suddenly last night.  It is a great loss for America.  Breitbart showed the world that true journalism was still alive, and his refusal to allow the media elite to dictate how Americans received their information was an inspiration to us all.  He was fearless, tackling subjects that the mainstream media refused to cover.  He will be sorely missed, but his work will live on in Big GovernmentBig Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Peace.

Rest in peace, Andrew.

Is Saudi Arabia In Greater Danger Than Israel?

Mark Langfan writes in israelnationalnews.com that the that the Saudis may be in greater danger than Israel from Iran:
Obama has his own Domino Doctrine for the Muslim world. As a consequence of this doctrine, Obama’s Iranian Nuclear policy can be summed up as “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” and Saudi Arabia is in even more danger than Israel.
Langfan bases his argument on a series of past statements by President Obama and U.S. foreign policy actions since the beginning of his Administration.  His conclusion is not pretty:
The Egyptian “Pillar” of US strategic interests is now yesterday’s dust.  The vaunted Saudi “Pillar” of US Middle East policy since World War I is now a prime US target for destruction. Israel is live bait. Obama’s true foreign policy objective seems to be nothing less than the full nuclear weaponization of Iran. Anything else is a smoke-screen for Obama to look like he’s doing something, but in reality he is doing nothing to stop Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.
In conclusion, Obama is actively "democratically" toppling all U.S. Middle East allies, and soon a nuclear-armed Iran will control 70% of the World's Oil Reserves, charging $500 a barrel for oil.
It's an intriguing logic trail that he lays out for the reader--go read the whole article to find out why.

Hat tip: Doug Ross@ Journal