Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is Saudi Arabia In Greater Danger Than Israel?

Mark Langfan writes in that the that the Saudis may be in greater danger than Israel from Iran:
Obama has his own Domino Doctrine for the Muslim world. As a consequence of this doctrine, Obama’s Iranian Nuclear policy can be summed up as “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” and Saudi Arabia is in even more danger than Israel.
Langfan bases his argument on a series of past statements by President Obama and U.S. foreign policy actions since the beginning of his Administration.  His conclusion is not pretty:
The Egyptian “Pillar” of US strategic interests is now yesterday’s dust.  The vaunted Saudi “Pillar” of US Middle East policy since World War I is now a prime US target for destruction. Israel is live bait. Obama’s true foreign policy objective seems to be nothing less than the full nuclear weaponization of Iran. Anything else is a smoke-screen for Obama to look like he’s doing something, but in reality he is doing nothing to stop Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.
In conclusion, Obama is actively "democratically" toppling all U.S. Middle East allies, and soon a nuclear-armed Iran will control 70% of the World's Oil Reserves, charging $500 a barrel for oil.
It's an intriguing logic trail that he lays out for the reader--go read the whole article to find out why.

Hat tip: Doug Ross@ Journal

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