Sunday, February 26, 2012

The First Law

Sultan Knish has written yet another hard hitting article about the West's reaction to Islamic rage:
The first law of human affairs is force. Before all other laws, the ballot box and appeals to reason is that primal law that enforces submission through violence. Islam is a religion built on that first law, forcing everyone to choose whether they will be the oppressors or the oppressed, whether they will be a Muslim or a Dhimmi.

The organizing force of Islam can be seen in urban gangs which react in much the same way to being 'disrespected'. When your religion is little more than an entitlement to be a thug, to elevate your way of life over that of everyone else, violent outrage over even the most minute sign of disrespect is to be expected. And when your beliefs are little more than an excuse to hate, rioting over a slight is the  sacrament of your faith.

Islam did not expand through the persuasiveness of its illiterate child abusing founder, at least not beyond the initial persuasion that allowed him to gather bandit troops to raid, murder and enslave the multicultural peoples of the desert until there was nothing left but Muslims and their slaves. It expanded by force and it has gone on expanding by force. Faced with advanced civilizations, it has reacted with the violent petulant fury that is its spiritual heritage.

The first law is the only true law of Islam. That is the law being practiced by the Afghan rioters and murderers outraged over the burnings of already defaced Korans, as their counterparts have gone on similar rampages over cartoons of Mohammed, the Satanic Verses, Facebook postings and anything else which triggered their rage. This violence has the same goal of all Islamic terror, to maintain the privileged status of Muslims and enforce the submission of non-Muslims.
Harsh words, indeed, but the deaths of U.S. military members this past week underscore the difficulty of engaging with a culture that still remains wedded to uncivilized behaviors of the distant past.  If one had taken the 'first law' into account, it would have been intuitively obvious that U.S. apologies would lead to more deaths of our military.  In our initial reaction to 9/11, we demonstrated that we were the 'strong horse' and were willing to kill those who killed our citizens and allies. This resulted in the Taliban being driven from Afghanistan and Muammar Quadaffi voluntarily giving up his WMD programs.  Our constant apologies and drive to be perfect in warfare with no collateral damage or casualties have changed Islamic perception of our image to that of the 'weak horse.'  By constantly gifting Islamic rage with victim status, we continue to reinforce the behavior and further put off the day when Islam matures and reaches the 21st century.

In short, the murder of our military should have resulted in the immediate destruction of every known Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan and Pakistan--with no apologies.

Read the whole article here.

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