Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Cradle of Islam

Daniel Greenfield brings news of the latest religious proclamation out of Saudi Arabia:
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has ruled that ten year old girls can be married off, because in his words, "Good upbringing makes a girl ready to perform all marital duties at that age." The Mufti, who also recently called for destroying churches in the Arabian Peninsula, is descended from Mohammed Wahhab who gave birth to Wahhabism and his descendants have controlled the Saudi religious establishment, which has given them control of Islam around the world. For all his power and influence, the Mufti is blind and hasn't seen a thing in the last 52 years, an apt metaphor for his entire religion.
Such sensitive souls, the Wahhabis.
The Saudis are not some aberration, they are Islam in its purest and truest form. This is where Islam originated, these are the people whose brutality and cunning spread it across the world, whose clans killed each other, then killed or enslaved minority groups, and then embarked on a wave of conquest that destroyed countless cultures and left behind seeds of hate that linger to this day.

Unlike Egypt or Syria, they were never colonized by European powers and the impact of Ottoman influence was limited. Oil has brought in massive amounts of money, but it has changed very little. There are limousines instead of camels, the slaves have foreign passports, though they are often still slaves, there is still a brisk trade in imported luxury goods, harems for princes and clans staggering under the weight of their indolent progeny.

Religiously, Wahhabism has done its best to recreate the "pure" Islam of its origins. Economically, oil has allowed the Gulf Arabs to prosper without reform or change. And if Mohammed were to ride out of the desert tomorrow, he would have little trouble fitting in, as soon as he developed a taste for Porsches. Anyone who wants to see the world as it was in Mohammed's day can visit Saudi Arabia and see inbred clans, slave labor, veiled women and thugs enforcing the will of Allah on every corner.
Sadly, many in the West remain in a state of rectal-cranial inversion.  They continue to insist that fundamentalist Islam is misunderstood and we must remain tolerant and forgiving. That Islam is represented by the quiet majority who haven't raised arms against us.  That we should make allowances for shari'a and adapt our culture to theirs.
There are two Islams. The real Islam of the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and an imaginary Islam that exists only in the mosques of air and card table korans of academics apologists and political pundits who have decided that Islam cannot be bad, because no religion can be bad, not even one which kills and kills, it must just be misunderstood.
Tolerance in only one direction is a recipe for disaster.  We are being forced into a cultural war by those who are determined that their culture will win, and who have no tolerance for infidels, except for those who agree to pay the jizya and accept their chains.  Without an Islamic Reformation, the likelihood of conflict will remain high.

Read the rest here.

Hat tip: Sultan Knish.

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