Sunday, May 13, 2012

November Matters

Congratulations!  Did you know that the United States was the world champion in petroleum reserves?  According to the Government Accounting Office, the oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming holds recoverable oil stocks the equivalent of the proven reserves of the rest of the planet combined.  Over three trillion barrels of oil in that one field alone--and it's not the only one in the U.S.  Remember ANWAR?

So in essence we have the natural resources in the U.S. to meet our energy needs for centuries.  One minor detail, though: the Federal Government owns the majority of the land where this oil is located.  And given that our current administration has spent billions of taxpayer money to prop up green energy "success" stories like Solyndra, the Chevy Volt, and the Fisker Karma, what do you think the odds are that we'll tap the energy bonanzas located within our own borders?

Yeah, me neither.  As Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit notes, " If I were the Russians and the Saudis, I’d be paying off some Green groups to block development."  Oh, wait.... never mind.

Hat tip: For the full story, go read Powerline

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