Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's Not All About Melting Glaciers

Which aren't melting, by the way.

It appears that the dreaded 'global warming catastrophe' of increased CO2 in the atmosphere leads to other changes besides polar bears dancing on ice floes for National Geographic photographers:
A new study published today in “Nature” by authors from the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre and the Goethe University Frankfurt suggests that large parts of Africa’s savannas may well be forests by 2100. The study suggests that fertilization by atmospheric carbon dioxide is forcing increases in tree cover throughout Africa. A switch from savanna to forest occurs once a critical threshold of CO2 concentration is exceeded, yet each site has its own critical threshold. The implication is that each savanna will switch at different points in time, thereby reducing the risk that a synchronous shock to the earth system will emanate from savannas.
Yes, holy hotcakes, Batman, we'll get more trees!!!!  Amazing how the planet is able to adjust to climate change... almost like it's been doing it for billions of years.  And all without the help of global warming scaremongers.

In all seriousness, our magnificent planet flexes and copes with all manner of changes.  CO2 levels have been much higher in the past and the planet has survived.  CO2 represents just 0.04% of atmospheric gases, which is the equivalent of 40 people out of a 100,000 people sports stadium.  According to global warming alarmists, we've added the equivalent of one person to the stadium due to man made activities (which assumes that they are correct in claiming that 280ppm is the correct baseline, but information here demonstrates that even this point is highly questionable).  And yet we're supposed to believe people who lie about, hide, and distort the data, and who have yet to build a climate model that can predict weather that's occurred in the past, much less 100s of years in the future.

Call it what it really is: people who want to tell us how to live and what to do because they're so much more morally superior to us... and smarter than us knuckle dragging conservatives, too--just ask them.  Scientists who politicize their work (e.g., climate scientists) are dragging down those who don't into the realm of used car salesmen.

Read the whole article here.

Hat tip: Guido Fawkes

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