Sunday, September 9, 2012

Important Reading To Do

For those of you planning to vote in our upcoming Presidential election in November, there is some studying you need to undertake in order to have the requisite understanding to make an informed choice.
Doug Ross has an enlightening post at his blog regarding the current and potential policies of the Obama Administration.  One place where Obama's cultural outlook is on display is in California, where supporters are about to have Proposition 31 passed.  Prop 31 will rape the suburbs to support the cities.  The book cited below has more detailed explanations for what this policy will entail.

As the author, Stanley Kurtz, noted in his article in National Review Online: 
California’s Proposition 31 is the project of a collection of “good government” groups, in particular, California Forward. California Forward says its goal is “fundamental change.” They’re right about that. The change they have in mind, unfortunately, is creating a collection of de facto regional super-governments designed to undercut the political and economic independence of California’s suburbs. The goal is to redistribute suburban tax money to California’s failing cities. Instead of taking on the mismanagement that is breaking California’s cities, Prop. 31 lets failing cities bail themselves out by raiding the pocketbooks of California’s suburbanites. In the process, Prop. 31 will kill off the system of local government at the root of American liberty.

How does Prop. 31 work? It allows local governments to join together to form “Strategic Action Plans.” Supposedly, this pooling of local municipal services into a kind of de facto collective regional super-government would be voluntary. In fact, Prop. 31 deploys powerful incentives to effectively force the creation of these regional super-governments.  
To begin with, municipalities that join regional collectives–and only those municipalities–can effectively waive onerous state laws and regulations by creating their own more lax versions of those rules. Next, Prop. 31 channels a portion of state sales tax revenue to municipalities that join regional governing collectives–and only those municipalities. Finally, Prop. 31 authorizes local governments participating in the regional collectives to pool their property-tax receipts.
The result will be the effective redistribution of suburban tax money to the cities, and second-class citizenship for Californians who live in municipalities that refuse to pool their tax money by joining regional collectives.
Think about that attitude, and then you will understand the attempts to push mass transit (like building trains to nowhere) and destroy the automobile with extreme CAFE standards as part of the war on the suburbs and removing the mobility of the populace (i.e., you will live and work and, more important, pay taxes where we want you to).
A second book you will find of interest is:
If you are considering re-electing the current Administration, then it would behoove you to understand what a second term could entail for America.  The President himself has stated that Global Warming/Climate Change will be one of his primary priorities in the next four years.  Understanding what exactly that means (i.e., the effect on the energy industries, transportation, economic growth, etc.) should be your goal.
If you are comfortable with the President's current and future policies, then your choice in November is obvious.  If you are still undecided about who you will vote for, then information is your best friend.

There is a reason the Democrat Party is not running on their record for the last four years.
Hat tip: Doug Ross@Journal

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