Sunday, May 15, 2011

A New Twist

The clash between Khameni and Achmadi-Nejad is growing, revolution simmers and now and then bursts into flame in Syria against Assad,civil war still goes on in Libya (even though the media has all but dropped it from coverage as the continued carnage does not reflect well on the Chosen One), Yemen continues to descend into chaos, and things are beginning to heat up in Bahrain again.

Of course, these secondary and tertiary effects of the 'Tunisian Virus'are not what is wanted by Iran or Egypt.  The Muslim Brotherhood wants to keep things quiet until it can take over peacefully through elections (and then go about establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state), and Iran prefers that any chaos be at its instigation and control.  Iran needs people to focus on anti-Semitism vice their internal conflicts. (Hence, the interesting development in which the Palestinian Authority entered into a peace agreement with Hamas.)

Sadly, one thing that Arabs can be counted upon to do is hate Jews.  They've spent the past 60+ years trying to destroy Israel and teaching their children and children's children to hate. Every May 15th Arabs celebrate the 'Naqba' (Catastrophe in Arabic--meaning the founding of Israel) by rioting and trying to kill Israelis.  Today's festivities, however, brought a first--thanks to the wonder of modern technology and social networking capabilities like Facebook, rioters descended upon Israel from all directions and all borders.  The incursion from Syria was a surprise to Israeli officials, but shouldn't have been.  Syria (and, by extension, Iran) are desperate to keep their populations focused on Jew Hatred vice the evils of their own regimes. 

Unfortunately, 15 rioters were killed--which suits Syria and Iran quite well.  Tomorrow will be the funerals, ripe with emotion that will be played upon by agitators.  Tomorrow will be another opportunity to remind Muslims that their first duty is to destroy Israel before they get around to destroying themselves.  How tragic that so many of them will be eager to do just that.

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