Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posting the Photographs/Video

I am of two minds as to posting the photos (and any video) of the late, unlamented Osama bin Laden (who is currently being subjected to the barbed phallus of Satan).

On the one hand, I think it is essential as a statement by the United States to all current and prospective terrorists that it doesn't matter how long it takes--if you do something bad to the US or its people, we WILL hunt your sorry ass down and we WILL kill you!  Some people have raised the point that publishing the photos would inflame/enrage the Muslim world.  Well, it doesn't take anything to inflame/enrage the Muslim world--they are quite capable of doing that all on their own.

It does not matter what we do or don't do.  They will take to the streets, riot, destroy, and kill at the slightest provocation (see France, the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, etc.).  Somehow we excuse this barbaric behavior as appropriate because it must because of something we white, imperial colonials have done to deserve it.  If you did not know it, the most persecuted religion in the world today is Christianity.  Thousands of Christians are murdered and not a peep from the mainstream media.  Let one mouthy minister burn a Q'uran in Florida and it is like the Crusades all over again.

This excusal is a sign of racism and elitism.  Our self proclaimed cultural elite excuse barbaric behavior because the poor dears just can't help it--they're oppressed minorities who are merely reacting to past and current outrages perpetrated by the evil West.  No, what they are doing is exhibiting the signs of a culture arrested at adolescence, where the world revolves around them and their wants (like any 13 year old), and no one has administered the discipline to get them to grow up.  They rip the clitorises off of women's bodies to prevent them from feeling pleasure, stone them for adultery when they are raped, kill them for wanting to live their own lives and not following the childish whims of the males, force them to cover themselves outside the home, murder Christians and 'infidels' without remorse, demand that other cultures and societies bow to their sharia and demands, and our Western elite just tut tut and tell the rest of us to ignore it all because the perpetrators just don't know any better, and, besides, their culture is just as valid as ours. ("It's just their way--who are we to say anything against it?")  There should be a special place in Hell especially for feminists who say nothing about this abysmal treatment of women under Islam.  (It's amazing what the Left will tolerate when it doesn't support their meme.)

Publishing the photos and videos of a dead bin Laden would put a marker down that says 'No, you can't kill and maim us without consequence.'  Personally, I don't care what Islamic societies do in their own countries.  Their populaces have access to modern communcations and media, and thus know what Western societal values and beliefs are.  If they wan't to continue dwelling in the 11th century, so be it.  The have the right to continue oppressing their own people.  Just don't expect the rest of us to live there with them.

However, Lt Col Oliver North (USMC ret) raises a valid point:  If we publish the photos and videos, then it would expose our warriors to the international criminal court and leftist pussies like the Italian prosecutor and judges who tried and convicted our CIA agents in absentia for snatching terrorists off the street and interrogating them.  Some dhimmi anti-American lawyer would use the photos as evidence in criminal proceedings to try our specops warriors (and who knows how far up the chain they would attempt to go) for murder.  In essence, we would be handing the hammer to ungrateful swine who would use the passing from this earth of a mass murderer to push their anti-American agenda.  And you know they would...

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