Sunday, October 23, 2011

Remember, It's For The Children.... Naw, Just Kidding...It's For The Unions

Mark Steyn had yet another brilliant piece on NRO about the amount of money the U.S. spends on education as compared to other countries:
Since 1970, public-school employment has increased ten times faster than public-school enrollment. In 2008, the United States spent more per student on K–12 education than any other developed nation except Switzerland — and at least the Swiss have something to show for it. In 2008, York City School District spent $12,691 per pupil — or about a third more than the Swiss. Slovakia’s total per-student cost is less than York City’s current per-student deficit — and the Slovak kids beat the United States at mathematics, which may explain why their budget arithmetic still has a passing acquaintanceship with reality. As in so many other areas of American life, the problem is not the lack of money but the fact that so much of the money is utterly wasted.

But that’s no reason not to waste even more! So the president spent last week touring around in his weaponized Canadian bus telling Americans that Republicans were blocking plans to “put teachers back in the classroom.” Well, where are they now? Not every schoolmarm is down at the Occupy Wall Street drum circle, is she? No, indeed. And in that respect York City is a most instructive example: Five years ago (the most recent breakdown I have), the district had 440 teachers but 295 administrative and support staff. If you’re thinking that sounds a little out of whack, that just shows what a dummy you are: For every three teachers we “put back in the classroom,” we need to hire two bureaucrats to put back in the bureaucracy to fill in the paperwork to access the federal funds to put teachers back in the classroom. One day it will be three educrats for every two teachers, and the system will operate even more effectively.
That's the reason our taxes are going sky high to keep the education mafia going.  We don't dare say a word about it because the Marxist/Leninist Left, Democrat Party, teacher's unions, and mainstream media (but I repeat myself) will scream that we hate children--and that the only solution to our poor performance in education is to throw even more money at it (which, by the way, goes to the teacher unions who then spend it on buying politicians to keep feeding the education maw).

Sadly, all we are doing is paying for more administrators, union goons, and subsidizing curricula that have turned our children into uneducated idiots who feel really good about themselves.  Instead of being taught how to think and reason, our children are instead being fed pablum and Al Gore movies.  And now we see the full flowering of that indoctrination in the Occupy Wall Street/Wherever demonstrators demanding that we overturn the laws of economics and transform the U.S. into socialism/communism/anarchism because, even though it's failed in every other society in which it's been tried, they are so much smarter and can make it work here.

Well, welcome to the real world where the free market declared that your graduate degree in drumming just isn't worth the $100K you racked up in debt. And the fault for that can be laid directly at the feet of the 'professional' educators who refused to teach you how to reason because that's harder than having you cut out pictures of baby seals and learn all about evil corporations (and, if they taught you how to think and reason, you'd ask way to many embarrassing questions about the crap they've been feeding you all those years).

Arrogant, spoiled assclowns. And you want to spend even more of my tax money to cover your lack of judgement...

Hat tip: National Review Online

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