Monday, October 31, 2011

Yet Another Indication That The United Nations Should Be Disbanded

In addition to spending most of their time wasting incredible sums of money propping up anti-Western regimes and providing a home for incompetent Third World bureaucrats, the UN lends its veneer of officialdom to blatant efforts to run the world the way fascist, anarchist, leftist, Marxist, feminist, enviro-Nazi activists (but I repeat myself) want it run.  Case in point: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC.

IPCC reports on climate change have been constantly cited as the basis for those of us in the civilized world to give up modern energy sources and go back to living in huts because our actions are causing global warming... er, climate change.  Peter Foster of the Financial Post writes about Donna Laframboise’s book, The Delinquent Teenager Who was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert.

In her expose of the IPCC, Ms. Laframboise discovers that the IPCC reports are not even worth the paper they're printed on, much less for setting government and societal policies. As Mr. Foster writes:
In a meticulously referenced and deservedly praised page-turner, Ms. Laframboise, an accomplished journalist who turned to the skeptical blogosphere, demonstrates how the IPCC is a thoroughly political organization. Far from objectively weighing the best available science, it cherry-picks egregiously to support its main objective: to serve its government masters. Its lead authors are not the world’s leading scientists but frequently wet-behind-the-ears graduates, and/or ardent activists. They are also selected on the basis of gender and country “diversity” rather than expertise. The organization, Ms. Laframboise demonstrates, has also been thoroughly infiltrated by environmental NGOs, in particular the World Wildlife Fund.

The book elucidates how the panel’s much-vaunted “peer review” amounts to a “circular, incestuous process. Scientists make decisions as journal editors about what qualifies as peer-reviewed literature. They then cite the same papers they themselves played midwife to while serving as IPCC authors.” IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri’s claim that all the “Climate Bible’s” science is peer reviewed is, in any case, bunk. With a body of volunteers, Ms. Laframboise went through the 2007 report and found that more than 5,000 references — over a third — were from less-than-reliable sources. The most egregious such “grey” reference led to the claim that the Himalayan glaciers were to disappear by 2035. This terrifying assertion was traced back to the top of a non-expert’s head.
But, but... they're scientists, man!  How can such fraudulent activities occur?  Sadly, very easily, because our mainstream media is not about to call them out on it as it would (a) require work and research on their part, and (b) goes against the meme that global warming skeptics are evil conservatives against the planet because they hate polar bears and won't give up their guns, gas guzzling SUVs, and money.  Speaking of skeptics:

She introduces us to numerous well-credentialed skeptics, including Jason Johnston, an expert in environmental law, who set out to verify whether the ­IPCC reports in fact “conformed with the peer-reviewed climate science literature.” His conclusion: “on virtually every major issue in climate change science,” IPCC reports “systematically conceal or minimize what appear to be fundamental scientific uncertainties.”

The Delinquent Teenager reveals how inconvenient science has been buried and sums up: “The IPCC ignores the consensus among hurricane experts that there is no discernable link to global warning. It ignores the consensus among those who study natural disasters that there is no relationship between human greenhouse gas emissions and the rising cost of these disasters. It ignores the consensus among bona fide malaria experts that global warming has not caused malaria to spread. In each case the IPCC substitutes its own version of reality. In each case that version of reality makes global warming appear more frightening than genuine experts believe the available evidence indicates.”
 So, if you're busy hiding or ignoring science that disproves your positions, then there has to be other motivations.  You know, motivations like forcing the wealthy countries of the West to fork over all of their money and power to right thinking bureaucrats and activists to run the planet through treaties and other political bindings... because that's always worked so well in the past, right?

Hat tip: Doug Ross@Journal

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