Monday, July 4, 2011

Follow The Money (or, 'Greens' Are All About The Greenbacks)

Europe countries continue to destroy their economies through insane efforts to respond to "Global Warming" "Climate Change." By 2020 the United Kingdom plans on replacing most of its old nuclear power plants, gas-fired power plants, and coal-fired power plants with some new nuclear plants and wind mills to satisfy one third of the power generation needs.

The only problem with this is that the wind fairy doesn't work all year round (especially in the winter when it can be dead calm for 4-5 days at a time), so Britain has to build stand-by, gas-fired power plants to cover those periods when the wind farms are not producing power.  So, not only do the British get to spend £100 billion to build wind farms that provide erratic power, they get to spend an additional £10 billion pounds to build 17 power stations that would be quite capable of supporting the energy needs all on their own.

What's even more fun is that when the gas-fired plants are on stand-by, they emit more CO2 than the amount being saved by using the wind mills.  Wait, it gets even better: The British population gets to subsidize the energy companies billions of pounds for the privilege using wind and having perfectly good power plants on standby (and this on top of energy bills which are expected to rise 20% this year alone).

They'd be better off using that money to hunt down signs of all the SUVs, coal-fired power plants, and other sources of man-made CO2 that must have been present in the Eemian Interglacial Period (from ~130,00 to 114,000 years ago) as the global temperature was ~5 degrees Celsius higher then than it is now.

Hat tip: Ace of Spades

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