Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Yes, a gracious Earth Day to you all, dear comrades!  As I type this under the bleak light of a killer CFL lightbulb, trying not to breath in the carcinogenic fumes being released by the heat and hoping that it doesn't catch fire in socket, it is only fitting that we pause to give thanks to the inspirations for this day:

Ira Einhorn (AKA the Unicorn Killer)

Antiwar activist Ira claimed to be the one who started Earth Day (actually created by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson).  He celebrated years later by killing his girlfriend Holly Maddux and composting her body in his closet.  Being the standup guy that he is, he fled the country and was on the lam for over 20 years.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (AKA Lenin)

What a coincidence that Earth Day is celebrated on Lenin's birthday.  Vlad did his best to take care of the Earth by fertilizing it with the bodies of millions of Russians who ran afoul of the dictatorship of the proletariat.  That Earth Day was set to coincide with his birthday is deliciously ironic considering how wretchedly polluted Russia is today.

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