Saturday, April 23, 2011

How The Media Sets the Narrative

Ace is on fire today describing how the media uses the storyline to set a narrative which furthers their agenda.  He uses Fred Thompson's description of how the media falsely set the 'narrative' of his Presidential campaign in 2008 (the "Dark Horse" effect).   From Fred's tale, Ace came to what was for him a significant insight:

But the point is that these Narratives are begun, and started, to disguise laziness, incompetence, and ignorance. If we don't know the reason, and if we are too lazy or not skilled enough to find a good answer, we are prey to simplistic little fakey make-'em-ups. Not because they're compelling, and not because they're true -- the media knows half of the shit they say isn't true, like forever claiming Scooter Libby "leaked" the identity of Valerie Plame without noting it was liberal-leaning-RINO in good standing Richard Armitage who actually leaked it first-- but because it's easy and simple.

Easy and simple. Scooter Libby leaked that name; Fred Thompson doesn't have fire in his belly.
So this is my insight. I did warn you it was sort of obvious, didn't I? Yes, it's obvious, but for me, my own personal glomming on to an easy, simple narrative to explain that which is difficult to explain really brought this home: We all -- but especially the media -- make up The Narrative to paper over our insufficient knowledge.

Go read Ace's post for an excellent point regarding how the facts aren't necessary to influence people.

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