Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Next 24-48 Hours Will Be Interesting

Qadaffi Duck is being offered a peace settlement which will leave him in place.  Of course, that will satisfy our State Department--at least the half that wants him to stay in power, as compared to the half that wants him to go.  Hamas, after rocketing Israel, is asking Israel to stop the escalating violence.  Maybe if they hadn't started launching rockets in the first place they wouldn't be getting their asses handed to them (again). But both Hamas and Hezbollah have to provide a distraction so that Assad and Iran can try to keep the lid on.  Syria is boiling over (Assad has been killing people left and right--more in the last 24 hours than in the past 2 weeks),and Iran's leader Ack!-My-Dick-Is-Gone must be getting concerned that his forward base is in danger of coming apart.  As Colonel Dan says, watch what happens to oil prices in the next 24-48 hours, as oil traders are paying attention even if our elite leadership isn't.  And isn't it amazing how all the world's problems seem to have disappeared from the media with all the excitement over our political overlords cutting an amazing sub $40 Billion of growth out of our $1.6 Trillion deficit?

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