Sunday, August 28, 2011

Doing The Job The Mainstream Media Won't Do

Unless you read blogs to the right of the mainstream media, you probably don't know that the Department of Justice raided the Gibson guitar making company last Wednesday (24 August).  Why, pray tell, did a DOJ SWAT team raid the Gibson factory with automatic weapons and confiscate over half million dollars worth of guitar making materials?  Because they claimed the company was violating Indian environmental law (for which Gibson has documentation that it hasn't, and the Indian government said there was no violation).

Funny thing--C.F. Martin Guitar uses the same materials but wasn't raided.  The only difference between the two companies is that the CEO of Gibson contributes to Republican candidates while the Martin CEO contributes big to Democratic candidates (and especially Barack Obama).  This appears to be another case of this Administration using the power of the federal government against political opponents. (Remember all of the Chrysler and GM dealerships which were forced to shut down after the Administration used taxpayer money to bail out said companies?  Funny thing there, too--the majority of the dealerships shut down were owned by people who contributed to Republican candidates.)

This personally sucks for me as I love and play C.F. Martin guitars, but also love Gibsons.  And now I have to think hard about purchasing GE products because their CEO is such a butt snorkler of Obama.  I hate it when politics intertwines with commerce--but when a particular political party uses the power of government to reward contributors by attacking their competitors, it goes beyond the benefits of lobbying that all organizations engage in.  It's sending the message that, if you contribute to our political adversaries, we will come for you and crush you--so think twice about donating to the Republican Party.

So that's why a guitar company was raided by machine gun toting law enforcement personnel from the Department of Justice... it was sending a message to all other companies out there that donating money to the Republicans will be hazardous to your health.

Hat tip: Big Government

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