Monday, August 1, 2011

Once More, With Feeling

Greetings, earthlings.  Yes, once again I was off on a trip and unable to blog.  I know this gets annoying, but look at it from my perspective--my outlet for insanity is blocked.

Lots of interesting things have been happening while I've been gone:  Military officers are defecting in Syria and siding with the protesters; we're still fighting in Libya for no reason whatsoever, but, because it's a Democrat-initiated war, not a peep from the main stream media; the cheese eating surrender monkeys inhabiting our Congress have once again refused to take their snouts out of the public trough and ignored the majority's cry to stop the spending; and so it goes.

Even though it hasn't gone into full effect yet, Obamacare continues its stranglehold on our economy.  The Heritage Foundation produced a sobering graphic demonstrating Obamacare's effect on employment:

You think it's bad now?  Just wait until the full force of Obamacare kicks in in 2013 (conveniently after his re-election bid) and the cheese eating surrender monkeys refuse to extend the Bush tax cuts... because the deficit is just so big, you know, we have to do something to raise money to pay it.

And for those of you who think it's only fair the 'rich' pay their 'fair share,' the top 1% of income earners already pay 39% of all income taxes...  the top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all income taxes... the top 50% of income earners pay over 97% of all income taxes. 

You know what I think is unfair?  That half of our country is just fine with living off of the other half. 

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