Monday, August 15, 2011

The Riots WIll Continue Until Morale Improves

UK Prime Minister David Cameron is reportedly coonsulting with former LAPD Chief William Bratton on how to handle the riot situation in England.  What was one of Bratton's suggestions?  That the British police practice racial diversity in hiring police officers.

Chief Bratton has reportedly done excellent work in the past in cities he's policed, but the idea that you have to be "diverse" to me continues to drive a wedge between people by implying that they are incapable of understanding what is legal and what isn't unless someone of their color/race/ethnicity/religion/etc. tells them so.  Thus we resort to the cop-out of having someone of the same color/ethnicity/religion/etc. arrest them so no one can claim we're being racist for hauling someone's ass to jail for committing a crime. 

In an ideal world, it shouldn't matter what color you are, if you're breaking the law you should be arrested and subjected to the judicial process.  A brick thrown through a storefront window to commit a robbery is still a crime whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, green Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever.

Unfortunately, western society curls up into a fetal position when someone plays the race card and claims you're violating their rights when you arrest them for brick throwing because of their color/ethnicity/religion/etc.  No one ever seems to play the card back to them, and asks, "Why do we have to bend our society to your beliefs and culture when you have so little respect for ours?" 

Sadly for Great Britain, hiring more 'Asians' on the police force is not going to solve their riot problems;  dealing with their welfare problem would go a lot further.

As in the United States, perhaps people would be less likely to engage in random violence if they were too busy working for a living.

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