Monday, August 8, 2011

The New Pravda

In the Soviet Union, the Communist Party's propaganda organ was called "Pravda."  Pravda is Russian for 'truth.'  (In fact, Pravda is still published even today.)  Why do I bring up this old relic of the Evil Empire?  Because the majority of the mainstream media behaves as if it is the propaganda organ of today's Democrat Party.  Rather than dig for the pravda, they see it as their task to protect the Party and it's leader, Barack Obama.  For example, after adding trillions in debt, refusing to cut government spending, and taking our nation to the brink of insolvency, who does the Democrat Party blame?  Why, the very people who have been demanding that the spending stop and the nation's financial house be put in order. 

From David Axelrod to John Kerry (who served in Viet Nam, by the way), the new mind virus being propagated through the mainstream media is that the Tea Party is responsible for the Standard and Poor's downgrade of the United States' credit rating.  Not the demented assclowns like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd who passed legislation forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back (and which lending practices George W. Bush and the Republicans in Congress tried to halt--but were stopped by the Democrats because it's racist to not give money to poor people who can't pay it back), nor Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who passed Obamacare and the near trillion dollar 'stimulus' package which failed to keep the unemployment rate from rising as promised, nor Barack Obama whose administration has added almost $4 trillion dollars to our national debt, more than all of the administrations before his combined... no, it's the people who demanded that the insanity stop and the credit cards be cut up.

And how has all of that government spending worked out for us in the past?  Take the "War on Poverty" begun by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson:
Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, government has spent $15.9 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dol­lars) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, the cost of all other wars in U.S. history was $6.4 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars).
Nice gesture on the government's part--no one wants to see people suffer.  You would think we had won by now.  Too bad that, after spending almost $16 trillion dollars, the poverty rate in the United States hasn't changed.

Blaming the Tea Party for the credit rating downgrade is like the rapist blaming the rape victim for what happened.  And instead of reminding people as to who really got them into this mess in the first place, the mainstream media does its best to bury the truth and and then turn its shovels to spreading manure.  It's those damned Republicans driven by Tea Party extremists demanding that spending be cut rather than raising taxes to keep feeding the vote-buying machine built by the Democrat Party. 

So what's next?  Will the Washington Post or New York Times start engaging in airbrushing inconvenient people out of photographs once they're no longer useful, like the Soviets did to failed cosmonauts in their space program?

Will we see Tim Geithner disappear from the cover of Newsweak?   At least Pravda was honest about its purpose, and didn't hide behind the veil of 'impartiality' and 'unbiased' reporting.

Photo Hat Tip: Wired

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