Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Even Worse Than Kosovo

Combat operations are ongoing in Libya.  This is very close to what happened in the 1990s with ALLIED FORCE, Bill Clinton's adventure in Serbia/Kosovo.  Of course, no good deed goes unpunished.  As a reward for expending our national treasure there, we were thanked by the people of Kosovo with the recent murder of two airmen in Germany.

This is even worse.  At least we had a modicum of intent and objectives (ludicrous though they were--if only people knew the real story behind the campaign plan aka T2K).  Now we are placing good people in harm's way for rapidly shifting objectives with no desired end state in play.  Why is it that every time the Democrats are in charge, it is amateur hour as far as national security is concerned?

If you'd like to get some good background information on what's happening in the Middle East, you should be reading MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute), and  Colonel Dan's blog.

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