Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Four Percent

The amount of the Federal budget deficit the Republicans want to cut from the FY11 budget ($61 billion out of $1.5 trillion).  The Democrats say that cutting anything beyond $30 billion (2% of the budget deficit) is "extreme."

Extreme?  Why no, Senator Schumer, we don't think it's extreme at all. Obscene, yes.  Outrageous,  yes. That you and the Democratic Party manage to utter this with a straight face, without being struck down by the hand of God, is dumbfounding.  You assclowns are driving our nation to destruction, and the only logical explanation for your continuing drive down this path is that you believe yourselves to be part of the ruling elite who shall remain aloof from the pain and misery that will come with the downfall of our economy.  Your ideology and walled enclaves will ensure that you will continue to rule the remains of what is left standing.

The only thing missing from your union thugs intimidating and threatening tax paying citizens tired of your enforced theft (i.e., Wisconsin) are brown shirts and jackboots.

Four percent is just a beginning--get used to it, because we are coming for more, lots more.  After all, it's our money.

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