Friday, March 11, 2011


Welcome to my new den.  I may not be home often as I'm a traveling bear.  Feel free to look around, enjoy yourself, but don't leave a mess.  If you do, the tengu stationed at the entrance will have words with you.

I have eclectic tastes, so don't expect me to follow any specific pattern in posting.  I may indulge in venting on any number of subjects, from politics to firearms to foreign policy to martial arts to the military to esoteric energy and meditation to remote viewing and psychic phenomena.  My interests vary widely; however, if you don't enjoy authors like Robert Heinlein, John Ringo, Tom Kratman, David Weber, Thomas Sowell, and Victor Davis Hanson, then you probably won't be interested in reading what I have to say--so sod off!

Time for me to make like a buffalo chip and hit the trail.

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